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About the Religious School

Religious School at Temple Ramat Zion is more than just “school.” It is a home.  It is a community.  It is a partnership between families and Jewish educators.  Your children will learn a great deal about Judaism; they will bring home questions, ideas, new words and traditions.  We invite you to engage and enhance this Jewish experience with your children at home through conversations, rituals at home, and participation in programs at TRZ.

Religious School classes meet:
Sundays 9:30 am-12:30 pm (Kindergarten-7th Grade)
Tuesdays 4:00 pm-6:00 pm (1st Grade-7th Grade)
As scheduled with Julia Levine (Dor Atid- 8th & 9th Grade)
As scheduled with Rav Sela (Confirmation- 10th-12th Grade)


The guiding educational philosophy at every grade level at Temple Ramat Zion Religious School is to instill in students a love of learning and Judaism, an understanding and knowledge of prayers, holidays, history, and ethics, and the tools for exploring Jewish questions and issues that are relevant to their lives.  We want our students to develop understanding of and appreciation for their Jewish heritage.  We want our students to have the ability to participate actively in synagogue and home rituals.  We want our students to learn to be ethical, socially responsible members of the Jewish community.

We believe in a rigorous, comprehensive curriculum taught with high expectations.  At the same time, we believe that a creative atmosphere infused with ruach and hands-on-learning will stimulate students’ interest and promote personal connections with learning.

We believe in a teaching-learning process that varies and differentiates instruction to meet the needs of learners with diverse learning styles, multiple intelligences, and varying family backgrounds. We believe in providing enrichment beyond the classroom to reinforce the curriculum, including opportunities to practice gemilut chasadim – acts of loving-kindness—and home connections.

We believe that students’ attendance at synagogue services and their participation in family Jewish experiences at home are essential elements of their religious education.

We believe that successful accomplishment of our goals and objectives require a partnership between students, teachers, and parents.  Only through collaboration can we bring all children to develop a personal Jewish identity, to experience pride and joy in their Jewishness, and to commit themselves to lifelong learning and growth.

For questions or more information, contact Julia Levine, Religious School Director, at or 818-360-1881 x. 118.

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Thu, March 6 2025 6 Adar 5785