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New Members: Please complete this form in its entirety.
Returning Members: Please validate your profile information and make any necessary updates.
All information provided on this form is for the express use of Temple Ramat Zion and its affiliates. It may not be used for any other purpose, nor to advertise or promote your personal or corporate business.
Please check this box if you are a returning member to TRZ.
Please check this box if you are new to TRZ.
Member #1
Member #2 (Spouse/Domestic Partner)
Address Information
A member in good-standing* at another of another synagogue affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, Orthodox Union, Union of Reform Judaism or Reconstructionist Congregation. No High Holiday tickets are included and children may not be enrolled in TRZ's Religious School - not eligible for Preschool discount.
* Current on membership due payment.
This charge includes a $1000 Tutoring fee, $125 Thursday Minyan fee, . A $350 deposit should have been made when you reserved your date. $1,400.00 is to be paid directly to Sisterhood for your Oneg/Kiddush Catering fee.
Please check here if you plan to pay your account in full by July 1st. Your account will be adjusted to reflect the pay-in-full discount of 5%. You will be credited back on your TRZ account for 5% of the membership only. Please note that you will pay the full amount on the payment screen and then your account will be manually adjusted.